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Adolescent face acne more forehead attention to 7 dietary taboos

release time:September,03,2019

During puberty, due to the strong function of various physiological organs of the body, it is easy to cause endocrine disorders, stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more oil, and the stress such as academics is heavier, so it is easy to grow acne. It is also common in the forehead and cheeks.

Adolescents have just started to grow acne, which is generally not very serious. At this time, once you find that there is a long acne, and there is an increasing trend, you should first seek medical advice, killing acne in the sputum. The author is just beginning a long period of puberty, did not seek medical treatment in time, but squeezing acne, messing with ointment, resulting in a decade of acne treatment process!

The second is to keep your face clean. Choose a mild and non-irritating facial cleanser, clean your face in the morning and evening, wash away too much oil, avoid clogged pores, and make acne worse. If it is oily skin here, it is not recommended to use a special facial cleanser for oil control, because it is possible to wash the oil more.

At the same time, diet should also pay attention to light. Avoid eating too greasy and spicy foods and eating more fruits and vegetables. In addition, some doctors warned that they should eat less desserts, such as cakes.

Finally, it is also very important: don't stay up late, don't stay up late, don't stay up late, say important things three times. We often wear a very expensive mask while staying up all night. In order to have a good skin, it is still early and weekly convention!


Acne is not impossible to squeeze, but to find a professional beautician to clear pox. So if you are doing it yourself, or you can't bear it, don't squeeze it, otherwise you will leave ugly acne marks and acne pits!
Adolescent face acne more forehead attention to 7 dietary taboos

You can also apply some homemade masks, such as homemade cucumber masks, to calm the anti-inflammatory and hydrating effects.

7 dietary contraindications for long acne

1. Long acne should pay attention to eat more foods with high vitamin content, you can choose some vitamins AB, vitamin A has a role in cell proliferation, vitamin A-rich foods are animal liver, day lily, carrot, broccoli, leeks , spinach, etc.

2. You can also eat more zinc-containing foods every day, which is beneficial to reduce the shedding of cells and relieve the exfoliation of keratin, such as lean meat, oysters, sea cucumber, eggs, eggplant, potatoes, walnuts, sunflower seeds. , Apple, etc.

3. Daily attention should be paid to eating less fatty foods, so as not to aggravate the internal heat. If the internal heat is too heavy, it is easy to aggravate the occurrence of acne. Therefore, all fat-rich animal fat, fish oil, animal brain, egg yolk, animals It is best to eat less food such as viscera, sesame seeds and peanuts.

4. High-fat foods should not be eaten. High-fat foods produce a lot of heat during the process of digestion. Patients with acne are inherently hot, and eating such foods can exacerbate internal heat and cause acne. Therefore, do not eat pork, cream, pig brain, peanuts and other high fat foods when you have long acne, to avoid getting worse.
Adolescent face acne more forehead attention to 7 dietary taboos

5. Seafood and hairy foods should not be eaten. Acne patients are prone to allergies, seafood and hair is a hair, easy to cause allergies, making treatment more trouble, leading to chronic inflammation, aggravating the condition of patients with acne. It is not advisable to eat such foods during the illness, especially seafood.

6. Do not eat high-sugar foods. After high-sugar foods, it has the function of enhancing the metabolism of the body. This kind of food can cause the secretion of sebaceous glands to increase, causing the pores to clog, so that the hemorrhoids will continue to appear continuously and repeatedly. Therefore, when you have long acne, you should not eat white sugar, chocolate, ice cream and other foods.

7. Patients with acne avoid bogey and spicy products. Spicy and irritating foods are sexual hot foods. People who eat acne easily get angry, which makes the patient's illness oily and becomes more serious. Therefore, do not eat garlic, chili, tea and other foods when you have long acne.

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