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Oil control moisturizing must avoid 4 major misunderstandings

release time:September,03,2019

Everyone has some habits of skin care that they prefer, and they put a lot of energy into the problem of skin care, but why some people do a good job of skin care, but the effect is not obvious. If you have this problem, then you should consider whether your skin care habits are correct and whether they are suitable for you. Replenishing water and controlling oil is the most basic skin care work. There are often some misunderstandings, but you may not understand it. Let's learn together.

Misunderstanding one

Frequent washing of the face means that the oiling phenomenon can be improved by increasing the number of washings, but the result is that the more the oil is washed. This is because our skin itself has a certain function of regulating the balance of water and oil. When the skin is too clean and a lot of oil is washed away, the sebaceous glands will secrete more oil to replenish the lost oil, resulting in more washing. The simmering state of the oil.
Misunderstanding 2
Frequent use of oil-absorbing facial paper has pointed out that frequent use of oil-absorbing facial paper may cause the skin to dry out with a false signal and induce excessive secretion of sebum. Therefore, do not expect to rely on oil-absorbing paper to control oil. It is recommended to use oil-absorbing facial tissue only once a day, or use a facial tissue to gently lighten the oily area when applying the oil, and then use the foundation to make up the makeup. From the perspective of oil control, the deep cleansing mask and the water-oil balance mask can play the role of oil control.
Misunderstanding three
Oil control does not replenish water According to statistics, 80% of oily skin has water shortage, this exuberant amount of oil will cover up the fact that the skin is short of water. If you only control the oil and do not replenish the water, the balance system in the body will naturally start, and more oil will be secreted to supplement the large amount of lost oil, forming a vicious circle of “more control over oil”. Moreover, in the process of oil secretion, a large amount of water in the skin is consumed, and a large amount of sweat caused by high temperature causes the skin to be in a state of water shortage. Soon, the most serious imbalance between water and oil on the face was “oil and debris”. Therefore, we advocate that when controlling oil, we must also replenish water.

Misunderstanding four
Choosing a complete set of oil-free products The complete oil-free product can neither satisfy the dry parts of the cheeks, but also eliminates the necessary oil content in the T-shaped position after cleaning, which in turn causes the sebaceous glands to start to secrete a large amount of oil. Therefore, you can choose a complete set of oil control skin care kits (oil control products are not equal to oil-free products), but not all products are oil-free products).
Are you aware of the misunderstanding of skin oil control and moisturizing? If you have some minor problems, be sure to adjust them positively. Not only that, but for skin care, we also need to have good eating habits, which is also very important. Therefore, we can eat more vegetables and fruits in our daily life, and try to eat less spicy and stimulating food. In addition, it is important to maintain a relaxed mindset. Only by doing these things can the skin become more and more perfect.

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